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My 2014 New Year's resolution was to read more book! So, that is what I am here for, to talk about and keep track of the books I am reading currently, and the books I have read over the years!

A Little Let Down?

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness

So, I just finished A Discovery of Witches the other day, and I was just not as impressed with it as I expected to be.


So much of the story line and character development I didn't care for, and the pacing of the story just wasn't for me.


When I finished it I updated Goodreads, giving it two stars and a less than stellar mini review, and all I have gotten in response on facebook is how much other people loved it. I clearly must be missing something. 


I have no desire to finish this book. Onto hopefully better things!

So, again I am running behind on my reading schedule.

Hellboy in Hell #5 - Abe Sapien #8 - Scott Allie Mike Mignola

Though, tomorrow (today since it is actuall 2:13 am...I am on vacation!)I plan on reading Carrie by Stephen King. I will post about that when I am done.


Today however, I read two comic books that take place in the Hellboy universe.


Both books are stand alone stories in a larger story arc.


Hellboy in Hell Number 5: The Three Golden Whips was the first I read, and probably my favorite. Hellboy is approached by a man looking for a cemetery. The man sold his soul years earlier for a whip that produces gold when it is cracked. Part of the deal is if the man can guess what he will be eating in drinking once in hell he is allowed to keep his soul. 


The story stands really strong on its own, but also made me really want to read more from the Hellboy universe. There were some aspects of the story I didn't get, but my boyfriend explained some things to me. Honestly, not knowing the significance of Hellboy's knife hand didn't take anything away from the story. 


The second book Abe Sapien number 8 is a stand alone-esque story about Abe Sapien searching for some missing men. I say it is only stand alone-esque because I don't believe that I would have understood much of what was going on if I wasn't somewhat familiar with the Hellboy universe and Abe Sapien. I mean, it is a one-shot, it starts and ends in the single issue, but I just felt like I needed more information about who he was explaining the story to and the significance of the lack of vampires...


In the story, Abe Sapien goes to Mexico to look for some men in a cave that is connected to the Mayans. Believed to either be the basis of the Mayan's hell mythos, or Xibalba - the Mayan underworld. He is capable of swimming much further than human scuba divers and finally find the lone survivor. However, while he is swimming something in the water crashes into him and cuts his arm. It is too dark to see what it was. Abe Sapien leaves to find what crashed into him earlier and discovers coffins; several German Vampires are in the cave and there is one albino, humanoid, potentially human once, bat creature. 


There is so much more to the story, to both stories, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who may read them. They are very good though, and really unique. 


Since finishing The Death Cure...

The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Edition Original) by Chbosky, Stephen [Paperback(1999£©] - Stephen Chbosky Go Ask Alice - Beatrice Sparks, Anonymous It Happened to Nancy: By an Anonymous Teenager, A True Story from Her Diary - Beatrice Sparks, Dathan Sheranian His Dark Materials (His Dark Materials #1-3) - Philip Pullman Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch - Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman

I haven't really started a new book. I am kinda swinging back and forth between reading Horns by Joe Hill and A Clash of Kings by George R R Martin. Both books I have already read partly, but I just haven't ever gotten all the way through yet. Not for lack of interest...I just get caught up in other things and then read a shorter book or comic in between.


On my tumblr I ask for book recommendations, and they come sporadically, haven't gotten one in a while. I got this one today,


anonymous asked:

Read: the perks of being a wallflower Any of the discworld novels by sir terry pratchett His dark materials


I have read The Perks of Being a Wallflower a few times. I read it first during high school and most recently right before seeing the movie. I have also read other diary-type books along the same line. Two that come right to mind are Go Ask Alice and It Happened to Nancy: By an Anonymous Teenager. I was really into these types of books as a kid/teenager. 


I have also read His Dark Materials. I have always been into kids fantasy and stuff, and so this was right up my alley, plus all the drama surrounding the Golden Compass when it come out in theaters really made me want to read it. I really enjoyed it.


I haven't read the Discworld novels at all, haven't even really heard much about them, but I am definitely interested in checking them out! I am sure I would like it, I read Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and I really loved it...but Neil Gaiman is my favorite.


I am so looking forward to making time to read...just have to make it happen. Maybe instead of reading a book in a day or two and staying up really late, I can just give myself an hour a day to read. It will take longer, but I am more likely to stick to something like that.

I finished The Death Cure a little bit earlier today

The Death Cure - James Dashner

And, I am sure this is going to be a very unpopular opinion, but I was very happy that Teresa died. I mean I didn't want her to die, but I think that it was a good way to complete her character's story.


I am so happy that they were taken to a lush green place to repopulate the world, and I liked that at the end it finally said officially that the Flare was purposefully released where as the rest of the book it said it was accidentally released after the sun flare. 


I was also really happy for Gally to be reintroduced, and that he regained his memories and was able to come to terms with everything between Thomas and him. 


The only thing I was really unhappy with was the fact that Thomas didn't get his memories back, that was something as a reader I would have really appreciated, as well as the fact that forgetting your past does not make it disappear. He was that person, and getting his memories could have helped them in the long run. 


Overall, I really enjoyed it, but I am happy to be done. I am excited to move forward towards more books this year.


I also may back track and reread all of the Rick Riordan books, I am behind in the Heroes of Olympus series and I want get caught up but also like re-experience it!

I am very excited to find BookLikes!

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison - Piper Kerman The Fault in Our Stars - John Green The Gunslinger  - Stephen King The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner, #2) - James Dashner

I cannot wait to post about all the books I will be reading or plan on reading this year. 


My resolution was to read a book a week in 2014, but as of the third week in January I had only completed one book, The Vampire Academy on January 16th. I knew I had to pick up the pace, especially since I am technically part of a book club with a couple friends and our book was Orange is the new black. Only one girl had read it all the way through though, and I got to work on finishing that book.


On the 29th I finished Orange is The New Black. Two days from the end of the month and only two books read. I kind of flew through the next to books I picked up. I started and finished The Fault in Our Stars on the 30, and I did the same with The Gunslinger on the 31st.


I was pretty caught up, but I rushed right into The Scorch Trials and finished that this morning. It is pretty compelling though, so I have already moved onto The Death Cure, I will write about that on my next post!


I will not be doing reviews, I am no good at reviewing things. I will just write about what I read and maybe meet some friends who want to discuss a book or recommend something new!


I also really like comics, so I will be posting about those as well!